Steve Ambrosini
Steve Ambrosini is the a Program Director for the Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust for the school safety project. He was previously the executive director of the IJIS Institute. He has had a 30-year career in the field of IT consulting and operations management, working in both the private and public sectors. For more than 20 of those years he has been working in companies that provided professional technology services and solutions to the public safety and criminal justice communities. During this time, he has been responsible for the delivery of IT services and solutions to a mix of governmental and non-governmental clients.
Prior to joining the IJIS Institute, Mr. Ambrosini held senior executive positions in multiple IT and system integration services companies where he was primarily responsible for increasing the delivery capabilities of these organizations. He has been a company founder and lead executive, including serving in the capacity of president and chief operation officer.
Mr. Ambrosini has functioned in operations and delivery management roles in both large and small IT services companies. He has been responsible for the delivery of consulting, system integration and outsourcing contracts for companies focused on the public safety and criminal justice markets. As a senior delivery executive, he has served as a team member of multiple corporate leadership committees focused on the development and oversight of enterprise delivery improvement initiatives.
During his career, Mr. Ambrosini has been involved in several unique projects in some of the largest jurisdictions in North America, including the City of New York (NY), the Province of Ontario (Canada), and the County of Los Angeles (CA). His experience includes the delivery of several consulting and solution integration projects, including major IT strategic planning engagements where he has led multi-company consultant teams. He has been involved in the development and execution of several innovative contracting and delivery strategies for public safety and justice clients, including: a joint multi-jurisdictional integrated CJIS initiative; transformational outsourcing and privatization programs; private sector funding initiatives; and, benefits based delivery programs.