2023 Community Forum – Plenary Session #1: Federal Leadership Priorities
Leadership from the United States Department of Justice, and the United States Department of Homeland Security will provide attendees with exclusive updates from their offices on federal and organizational priorities. The discussion will also provide attendees with guidance as to what priorities the IJIS community can support in order to ensure greater participation and success in the future.
- Ernesto C. Ballesteros, State Cybersecurity Coordinator of
Texas, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
- Robert Chapman, Deputy Director, Office of Community
Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
- Kevin Scott, Principal Deputy Director, Bureau of Justice
Statistics (BJS) -
2023 Community Forum – Plenary Session #2: FBI CJIS Priorities
Given the critical role that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) plays in community safety nationwide, this session will provide organizational updates from the FBI’s CJIS Division leadership with exclusive insights into their priority areas and opportunities for IJIS community support and engagement. The presentation will include but is not limited to program updates including NIBRS, N-DEx, NCIC, NTOC and others.
- Brian Griffith, Deputy Assistant Director, FBI CJIS -
2023 Community Forum – Plenary Session #3: Community and Officer Wellness in Challenging Times
Sound mental health is just as essential as good physical health for public safety officials and the communities they support. This session will explore a uniquely successful use case partnership between Houston PD and the Wayne Young Foundation to share the programs available to officers and communities in the region. These lessons learned and accomplishments can and will serve as models to be replicated throughout our nation.
- Jennifer Read, Commander, Houston Police Department,
Mental Health Division
- Wayne Young, Chief Executive Officer, The Harris Center for
Mental Health & IDD -
2023 Community Forum – Plenary Session #4: Hometown and Homeland Security Data Sharing Opportunities
Our communities' health and safety threats are increasing in both complexity and volume providing constant pressure on our public safety and homeland security resources. With heightened repercussions and limited resources, the need for effective data sharing has never been more critical to keep our communities safe. This session will explore some of these emerging threats while also looking at national models like the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI) and other successful collaborative efforts being reenergized and refined to enhance our hometown and homeland security.
- Joseph R. (Rick) Fuentes, Deputy Director, Rutgers University
Paul S. Miller Center on Policing and Community Resilience
- Russ Porter, Senior Intelligence and Law Enforcement Advisor
- Mike Sena, Executive Director, Northern California Regional
Intelligence Center (NCRIC), and, President of National Fusion
Center Association (NFCA) -
2023 Community Forum – Plenary Session #5: Community Access to Justice
Ensuring equitable access to justice and public safety outcomes for all citizens is a critical component of a trusted yet functioning justice system. With heightened scrutiny and limited resources since the resurging cries for justice reform, the need for innovative and transferable solutions has never been more important. This session will feature presenters supporting the law enforcement, courts, and corrections communities who will share the strategies and resources being successfully implemented to address these challenges.
- Samuel A. Thumma, Judge, Arizona Court of Appeals Division
- Kiron Bose, Chief Operating Officer, Issured -
2023 Community Forum – Breakout #1: The Fight Against Small Commercial Drones
As the use of small commercial drones by hobbyists and nefarious actors continues to grow, there is a critical need for effective and versatile measures to detect and prevent resulting public safety and security threats. While permanently mounted drone detection technology is most ubiquitous, there are critical applications for mobile drone detection in corrections, law enforcement or emergency management. Panelists will discuss the different types of mobile drone detection technologies, use cases, and best practices based on real world experience. The speakers will also discuss what the Federal Aviation Administration’s Remote ID rule means for drone detection technology and provide an overview of the regulatory landscape surrounding these technologies.
- Sgt. Mike Ward, New Jersey State Police Assistant Unit Head –
Target Hardening Unit
- Linda Ziemba, Founder and CEO, AeroDefense
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