Advisory Committees


Advisory committees are constituted to provide input and recommendations to the Institute and to other organizations on specific topical areas not related to a single project or task. All Members are welcome to serve on advisory committees, and committee leadership ideally constitutes representatives from both public and private sector in order to provide a balanced perspective on the areas of interest. 

Corrections Advisory Committee

The IJIS Institute Corrections Advisory Committee focuses on advancing information sharing standards among the jail, institutional and community corrections communities.

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Courts Advisory Committee (ICAC)

The IJIS Institute Courts Advisory Committee (ICAC) will promote the innovation, adoption, and effective use of court information technology to support civil and criminal justice communities.

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Criminal Justice Information Systems Advisory Committee (CJIS)

The CJIS Advisory Committee brings together industry leaders and government practitioners who develop, support and manage criminal justice information sharing initiatives at the federal, state, and national levels.

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Emergency Communications and Response Advisory Committee (ECR-AC)

The IJIS Institute ECR-AC will identify key issues related to emerging technology and advanced capabilities in order to advance operational effectiveness and safety.

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Justice and Public Safety Advanced Analytics Committee (JPS-AAC)

The IJIS Institute’s JPS-AAC will will identify use cases, unravel the mountains of available data, identify other challenges and opportunities, and highlight emerging industry initiatives that improve the level of knowledge and value of analysis among practitioners and industry professionals.

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Law Enforcement Advisory Committee (LEAC)

The IJIS Institute LEAC will focus on the advancement of information sharing, emerging technology, and relevant models within the law enforcement community.

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Technology and Architecture Advisory Committee (ITAC)

Introduction The mission of the IJIS Institute’s Technology and Architecture Committee (ITAC) is to provide information to industry and practitioners regarding technologies, architectures, and standards …

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