Promoting safer & healthier communities.

The IJIS Institute is a nonprofit collaboration network that brings together innovative thinkers from the public and private sectors, national practice associations, and academic / research organizations working together to solve public sector mission, information sharing, policy and technology challenges.
IJIS Institute has members from both the public and private sectors who work within and across several major public sector domains to support the following focus areas:

Trusted resources & collaborative solutions.

Working to promote and enable technology in the public sector and expand the use of information sharing to maximize safety, efficiency, and productivity.

We advocate for policies, processes, and information sharing standards that impact our safety and security, build knowledge on behalf of  our stakeholder groups, and connect the organizations and leaders within the many communities of interest challenges.


Solving the long-standing challenges in Public Sector.

We provide a trusted, member-driven forum that bridges the gap of knowledge between public sector mission practitioners and private sector experts joining shared goals with trusted resources.
Read our case study about how we helped implement Text-to-911 Translation Standards

Join the IJIS Community

Our community is made up of dedicated professionals who are passionate volunteers, key practitioner organizations, national practitioner associations, other non-profit organizations, and academia/researchers that share a united and equal seat at the table to solve problems, collaborate, and innovate to maximize safety, efficiency, and productivity within the public sector.

Public Sector Membership

Are you an employee of a government agency? By becoming an IJIS Institute member, you can inform the IJIS community and technology industry about your mission needs, and gain access to a broad range of expertise, thought leadership, promising practices and lessons learned on current and emerging technologies, and national scope issues.

Private Sector Membership

Does your company provide public sector technology solutions and services? By becoming an IJIS Institute member, you will have access to educational, networking and business opportunities, as well as branding benefits, while collaborating with government leadership to meet public sector challenges.

As an IJIS member, you will have the opportunity to help stakeholder communities facilitate mission-critical technology advancement and support information sharing and safeguarding of our communities nationwide.

What people are saying
“For 20 years, IJIS has never lost site of its purpose...leveraging technology and information sharing to protect our communities.”

- Stephen L. Morris / Former Assistant Director, CJIS Division, FBI; Account Executive, IBM
What people are saying
“I am continually impressed with IJIS's dedication to efforts that promote the fair and objective administration of justice. IJIS knows that technology solutions don't just collect and distribute data - they provide the information we need to truly understand the impact of crime and violence on real people. I am honored to be associated with an organization committed to improving public safety and reducing barriers to equity and equality across the justice system.”

- Erica Smith / Unit Chief, Law Enforcement Incident-Based Statistics Unit
What people are saying
“Public safety agencies are faced with limited resources to apply in reaction to a constantly changing ecosystem of policy and technology changes. IJIS has afforded me the opportunity to represent my agency and my state in partnering with policy makers, fellow practitioners, and technology companies. This has, in turn, allowed us to influence that ecosystem in some small ways, making us more proactive that reactive with those same limited resources.”

- Joe Mandala / Chief Information Officer, Kansas Bureau of Investigation
What people are saying
“Advancing public sector technology and data sharing requires not only deep technical expertise, but also strong commitment to, and thoughtful understanding of, partnerships. During my tenures as Executive Director of APCO and iCERT, and now as the leader of a consultancy, I have witnessed firsthand the positive impacts the IJIS Institute has had by consistently demonstrating the rare combination of prowess in both partnering and leading.”

- George Rice / Managing Partner, Skyhawk Global Associates

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