Sponsored by the IJIS Institute, National Center for State Courts (NCSC), the National Association for Court Management (NACM), the Joint Technology Committee (JTC) and the Court Information Technology Officers Consortium (CITOC).
The IJIS Institute, in collaboration with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), the National Association for Court Management (NACM), the Joint Technology Committee (JTC), and the Court Information Technology Officers Consortium (CITOC), proudly announces the launch of the IJIS Court Integration Excellence Award. This prestigious award will be made in recognition of technology innovation in courts for the purpose of improved communication, operational efficiencies and access to justice using information and communications technologies while addressing the security and resiliency required to maintain the integrity of the justice system.
Nominations will be accepted from or on behalf of Federal, State and Local Courts or from IJIS member companies working with or as part of a partnership arrangement of a Court.  Nominations must be submitted with the Court’s CIO approval
Nominations must be for a fully implemented technology solution which became operational after August 31st, 2023 and which has been in operation for at least six months. Nominations should address how the solution advances the court’s mission, improves efficiency, and offers scalable innovation. The application of emergent and critical technologies to include Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence and Security technologies will be strongly considered. Applicants must provide detailed responses to evaluation criteria and may include URLs, screenshots, and additional documentation to support their submission.
Evaluation Criteria
The award will recognize solutions based on the following criteria:
- Extensibility and Scalability:
- Feasibility of adoption across diverse court sizes (small, medium, large).
- Ability to replicate and scale the solution across jurisdictions.
- Innovation:
- Integration of cutting-edge technologies.
- Advancements in operational processes.
- Impacts:
- Measurable improvements in cost savings, service delivery, timeliness, accuracy, access to justice, and public safety.
- Implementation and Maintainability:
- Cost-effectiveness of investment and sustaining the solution.
- Operational complexity, ease of modification and enhancements, and organizational requirements.
Submission Instructions and Deadline
Submissions must be completed using the official nomination form and emailed to CourtTechnologyAward@ijis.org
Nominations will be accepted until February 28th, 2025. The inaugural recipient will be announced during the National Association for Court Management Conference in July of 2025.
About the IJIS Institute
The IJIS Institute is a nonprofit collaboration network that brings together innovative thinkers from the public and private sectors, national practice associations, and academic/research organizations working together to solve public sector mission, information sharing, policy and technology challenges.
About the Partner Organizations
- National Center for State Courts (NCSC): Advocating for the improvement of judicial administration.
- National Association for Court Management (NACM): The global leader in court management expertise.
- Joint Technology Committee (JTC): Advancing the effective use of technology in courts.
- Conference of Chief Information Technology Officers (CITOC): A network of IT leaders serving the judiciary.