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- Corrections
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The Role of Courts in CJIS
Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) focus on the collection, processing, preservation, and dissemination of criminal history, case, and incident information among justice partners and courts. Courts and court-related agencies are key to the criminal justice process. As a result, the criminal justice agencies and courts create, share, and publish significant amounts of information within the CJIS. The ability of court systems to effectively integrate and share data with the criminal justice partners helps reduce operating costs and improves the administration of the criminal justice system.
Change Management: Best Practices in Public Safety Data Sharing Project
This paper is a follow-on to the IJIS Institute white paper Critical Decision Criteria for Data Sharing that provides guidance to practitioners on planning to implement a data sharing solution. This paper is crafted specifically for Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management Systems (RMS) data sharing projects, such as CAD-to-CAD and RMS-to-RMS, but the concepts are universal. It details guiding principles founded in change and project management and provides mini case studies on projects that struggled. These mini studies and the accompanying lessons learned were volunteered by a variety of people associated with with these projects, from consultants, project managers, executive sponsors as well as users of the systems. The ‘what went right, what went wrong and what could have been done better’ can be distilled into best practice concepts.
Corrections Information Exchanges for Sharing Reentry and Public Safety
The purpose of this document is to take a holistic look at the information sharing requirements needed for release and reentry from the perspective of corrections, other justice partners, and community-based service providers. This document supports a project to develop a comprehensive service specification which can effectively address the information sharing requirements needed to appropriately supervise and provide support for an individual upon their release and reentry back into the community.
The Geospatial Approach to Cyber Security (ESRI)
With organizations’ increasing reliance on electronic communications comes the inherent risk of cyber attacks and cyber-enabled espionage. Realizing this, US President Barack Obama issued an executive order that cyber systems (computers and related technology) be considered critical infrastructure to the United States and its people and be protected as such.
Courts 101: An Understanding of the Court System
This paper was prepared to help you better understand the intricacies of the Judicial Branch in local,state, and federal courts by providing a high level overview of the court system, its processes, responsibilities, case flow, and person roles. It provides an overview of federal and state court systems and the different jurisdictions within these systems, and demonstrates why integration with other stakeholders is vital to the efficacy and efficiency of all court and the successful assimilation of the judicial branch in the integrated justice process today.
Governance Agreements in Public Safety Info Sharing
The accelerating trend toward regionalization, consolidation and information sharing in public safety, as well as a desire for more efficiency and effectiveness in operations, has led to higher numbers of formal agreements between participating agencies being created to provide structure and legality to information sharing partnerships. The demand for inter-agency assistance and collaboration has expanded the need for inter-agency information and resource sharing. Today’s agreements must reflect these emergent considerations not fully addressed in the past. This paper outlines two types of common agreements, best practices, and components of modern information and resource sharing agreements.
Advances in Digital Video
The use of video in the public safety and justice realm has taken on greater significance over the past decade, due primarily to advancements enabled by digital video and its gradual replacement of analog video over this period. Video captured in, or converted to, a digital format has enabled many new capabilities that affect the cost and ease of storage, sharing of inter- and intra-agency video information, integration with other systems and data sources, and analysis used to extract meaning from large volumes of video data. This paper briefly describes the advancement in each of these areas as applied to the many domains (lines of business) within the justice and public safety enterprise, but with a deliberate focus on law enforcement as the front-line producer and consumer of video information.
Benefits of Using a Consultant (Public Safety Project)
This paper is intended to provide relevant and important information to improve federal, state, local, and tribal public safety-critical information-sharing efforts. The material contained herein is expected to be a valuable resource for public safety practitioners who may require assistance in the strategic planning for, procurement of, or implementation of any public safety system or component. Anyone who may require additional resources or expertise specific to a project will benefit from understanding how and when the use of a consultant may be valuable.
Revision Assessment Fire/EMS in LE CAD Specs
In 2009, the IJIS Institute’s Public Safety Data Interoperability Project, with funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, identified the need to expand the original document to include fire service and emergency medical service (EMS) CAD functional specifications. This Revision Assessment serves two purposes. First, it provides the basis for determining the level of effort required to incorporate fire and EMS functional requirements into the existing Standard Functional Specifications for Law Enforcement Computer‐Aided Dispatch (CAD) Systems document. This document specifically describes fire and EMS CAD functionality that would need to be added, as well as numerous modifications to current language and restructuring suggestions. Secondly, until the next revision is published, this document can serve as a supplement of sorts to the existing Standard Functional Specifications for Law Enforcement CAD Systems to those needing a more complete list of base CAD functionality.