Kathy Gattin
Ms. Gattin is seasoned leader with the IJIS Institute, providing subject matter expertise to the Justice and Public Safety communities. As of March 2023, Ms. Gattin rejoined the IJIS Institute as the new Membership Manager. Ms. Gattin has been engaged in an advisory role for several national information sharing initiatives including N-Dex, NIBRS and the IJIS Institute’s Working Group for Justice and Health Collaboration. Ms. Gattin also served the IJIS Institute as a Sr. Program Director for the IJIS team responsible for corrections-focused information sharing efforts including the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Data Standard project, the creation and implementation of the Reentry Information Sharing Service Specification, and the development and implementation of the national State Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Information Sharing Standard currently published by the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance. Beginning in 2017, Ms. Gattin was assigned by the IJIS Institute to provide justice related subject matter expertise to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration of Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation and to the Office of Child Care. This initiative has been instrumental in advancing the use of Background Checks for all Child Care Employees as required under a federal law known as the Child Care Development Fund Re-Authorization of 2014.
Ms. Gattin served as a statewide SAVIN Administrator and was a former member of the National BJA SAVIN Project Advisory Board. She also served six years on the Executive Board of the Corrections Technology Association (CTA), was a member of the Global Strategic Solutions Working Group (GSSWG) Juvenile Assessment Task Team (JATT), a member of the American Probation and Parole Association’s (APPA) Advisory Group to develop RFP Guidelines for Case Management Procurement, and a Corrections Subject Matter Expert for the FBI’s National Data Exchange project (N-DEx). She was also a team member on the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Child, Youth, and Family Services Group under the direction of the National Center for State Courts