Alex McAdoo

Assistant Project Manager

Alex McAdoo currently serves as the IJIS Institute’s Project Coordinator and Communications Specialist. Joining the team in the spring of 2019, he oversees the Institute’s communications and outreach efforts. He also manages numerous membership engagement initiatives including in-person and virtual events, and committee assignments to help develop a variety of deliverables assisting the critical needs of the public sector.

In January of 2021, McAdoo joined his colleagues as Project Coordinator on a contract awarded by the California Department of Justice. This Initiative includes a Rapid Deployment Model assisting over 100 local law enforcement agencies in California connect their Records Management Systems to the California Incident Based Reporting System (CIBRS), ultimately supporting their transition to the FBI’s National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS).

McAdoo serves as the staff liaison to the IJIS Courts Advisory Committee (ICAC), Corrections Advisory Committee, the IJIS Technology and Architecture Committee (ITAC) and the Chairs Committee. Additionally, he manages the Institute’s Provider Directory which showcases vendor products and solutions for agencies looking for procurement within the Criminal Justice domain.

McAdoo came to IJIS from Capitol Hill where he worked for Representative Bill Foster. He graduated from Quinnipiac University in 2018 with a BA in Political Science and a minor in Legal Studies.