Robert May
Robert May is Program Director at the IJIS Institute. Bob has more than 45 years of experience in law enforcement and criminal justice. He currently leads several initiatives at the IJIS Institute. Bob is the program director for the following initiatives: Council of State Governments Justice Center’s Justice Mental Health Collaboration Program, BJA’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, RxCheck, and BJS National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X). Bob’s other IJIS responsibilities include supporting IJIS advisory committees and working groups: the CJIS Advisory Committee, the Background Check Working Group, and the Law Enforcement Imaging Technology Task Force.
Previously, Bob worked as a principal at the Criminal Justice Institute and as Associate Director of the Association of State Correctional Administrators leading consulting efforts for state and local correctional healthcare services, substance use program design and implementation, reentry and corrections staffing studies. Prior to joining CJI/ASCA, Mr. May was a Principal at JBS International where he was Director of Criminal Justice Projects directing the BJA Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for State Prisoners (RSAT) and the Criminal Justice Treatment Networks projects for the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). He previously served as Executive Director of National Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities (TASC) where he partnered with American University to provide the first Drug Court Resource Center and the first National Drug Court Symposium.
Bob spent 12 years in state and county law enforcement serving as police lieutenant and chief criminal investigator. In 1984, Bob was appointed to the 138th Session of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, VA where he graduated with a 4.0 GPA. In 1986 he was awarded the Outstanding Service in Public Safety Award from then Maryland Governor Harry Hughes.